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3 Common Skin Issues When Pregnant And Their Solution

Deep down, perhaps a teeny bit of reason why you’d love to get pregnant is how you look so much better while carrying the bud –  soft and glowing skin complete with peachy cheeks, plus a luscious looking hair is enough to get a woman who used to have the opposite surely tempted. Yet, that’s not the case for every woman; you may suffer the usual skin problems much worse during the time than ever. Read on the right way to take care of your skin when pregnant (may differ than what you usually do!).

A lot pregnant woman suffers from worsening case of breakouts, increased amounts of pigmentations, and brittle, dull-looking hair. What’s more, blood vessels that are usually dilate (due to dramatic hormonal changes) likely to cause your skin extra sensitive and then to flush a lot. Charming.

And don’t let the preggers get started on how they easily get stressed even for little things, which indirectly affecting their skin – more oil, more acnes popping here and there.

Acne is so common when you’re pregnant. The reason? The increase of the hormone androgen makes the oil production is rampant, and when the extra oil gets mixed with germs and dead skin cells, you know how it ends.

Up the ante to fight zits by using products that have glycolic acid as the main ingredient. Unlike salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide – common acne fighters – that have some concerning issues on the effect towards the baby (although the results still a bit inconclusive), glycolic acid has been established to be safe to heal acne, even during pregnancy.

Moderate to severe pigmentations are also common among the preggers (especially if you’re over 35) due to elevated estrogen and progesterone circulating in the body, hence a good sunscreen is a must to prevent pigmentations from spotting all over the face.

As pregnant women’s skin tend to flush easily, we highly recommend you to opt for sunscreens containing common yet potent ingredients such as titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide in your sunscreen. Chemical ingredients kind of sunscreen like oxybenzone and avobenzone are likely to cause irritation on sensitive skin.

Of course, after protecting, why not heal them by brightening affected spots? Dermatologists recommend glycolic and azelaic acid (derived from rye and wheat, also handy to heal acne) to gently lighten your skin.

On the other hand, it’s best to avoid hydroquinone and retinol as its safety in skin treatment during pregnancy isn’t established yet; what more the latter as it’s derived from vitamin A and mommies do know that excessive vitamin  A can cause birth defects – the experts simply recommend you to use other ingredients that have been proven to be safe to use during pregnancy.

Apart from being hormonal, your immune system also gets affected when pregnant: some may become tougher fighting germs, while some may become so vulnerable to the common cold. Allergies and skin issues like eczema is nothing to joke about. Itchy and flaky skin is not fun to deal at all, especially when it starts to flare up. Simply use a good moisturizer frequently to ease the pain. Good moisturizers can be anything, even as simple as coconut oil and you’re good to go! Article provided with many thanks to Advanced Dermatology who are specialists in Skin Care and Botox providers in Sydney.



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